Has talking about sex always felt taboo? Here's how to feel more comfortable and confident

Sex taboo

Maybe it was considered an embarrassing topic in your home growing up?

Vijay Ramanathan, a sexual health academic and sexologist, says in many cultures sex is still considered to be taboo — even when it comes to chatting about it with a GP.

"What happens in the private domain is not something talked about or expressed in front of others," Dr Ramanathan says.

Our family values and cultural beliefs can play a big role in how we view sex.

So how can you learn to feel more sexually confident if you've grown up thinking sex is shameful?

I chatted with Dr Ramanathan and relationship therapist and sexologist Kassandra Mourikis to get their advice.

How did you learn about sex

For most of us, sex education during school wasn't great but there's also other ways we learn, like through our family, says Ms Mourikis.

"You're informed by what you're seeing in your family dynamics. How your parents model intimacy to you, whether you see them practice consent, whether they have physical affection, and whether they have a lot of shame around sex that they pass on to you."

Why painful sex is common

Photo shows Woman holding her hair with a purple and yellow background to depict a story about painful sex.

Sex is not meant to be painful, but for one in five Australian women it is. Sexologist Tanya Koens explains why painful sex is so common and what can help to reduce it.

When your parents haven't grown up discussing sex or intimacy, it can be difficult for them to discuss it with you.

"The absence of really clear open conversations about sex with your parents [happens] because they didn't get that education, they never learnt how to teach their kids or have a good relationship with sex themselves," Ms Mourikis says.

Without the right information, it allows myths and negative attitudes to bubble, Ms Mourikis says.

"The norms and scripts that it teaches us, our family internalises, and it shapes what they value, what they see as important, and that gets passed down to individuals within the family unit."

Of course, our understanding of sex can also come from friends and the internet.

"Because of the absence of formal education there's also learning from peers that's informed by their own experiences, or by porn," Ms Mourikis says.

Ask yourself if your scripts around sex are still relevant?

When you're living between two cultures, being sex positive can sometimes feel like an awkward internal battle — part of you might be open about sex with your friends but when it comes to a new partner or your family, it's like the elephant in the room.

"In western culture, there's contradictory messages where virginity is valued [like some Indian and Asian cultures] but as people get older, it feels awkward and embarrassing to be a virgin [or shameful if you're engaging in lots of casual sex]," Ms Mourikis says.

If your beliefs around sex are conflicting with your sexual desires it might be helpful to review them.

What is sexual confidence?

Photo shows Illustration of woman looking at herself in the mirror

Body positivity plays a key role in increasing your confidence, experts say.

"Traditional views your family held would've been right for a time where access to information wasn't there, but a lot of things have changed so it's [about] reconsidering whether those views are still valid, or whether they might need some modification," Dr Ramanathan says.

Tackling it on your own might be difficult, so it could be a good idea to see a therapist for support.

"People might feel a lot of shame for engaging in a behaviour that their family's values or their cultural values conflict with, and it's recognising that shame is actually coming up from that," Ms Mourikis adds.

"[Those beliefs] were something you picked up, so if you can figure out where it came from and [ask] 'What would serve me better? what scripts do I want to challenge? And what do I want to put in its place?'"

Consider what sex means to you

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The other part of becoming more sexually confident , Dr Ramanathan says, involves getting to know yourself and your body.

"A lot of women, even those with children, haven't actually visualised their own sex organs and don't know what's down there because they don't need to touch it and that's reflected when it comes to sexual conditions like vaginismus."

Across cultures, pleasure and consent have been (and still are) missing from conversations about sex, so it's about making sure it's safe and enjoyable for everyone involved, Dr Ramanathan says.

"In a heterosexual context, especially in culturally diverse populations, sex starts when a man initiates and sex finishes when he ejaculates.

"[A woman's] role in sex [has been to] please and be responsive to the person initiating whereas if she initiates, she might be judged as abnormal [creating] fear even within a relationship."

The masturbation gap

Photo shows A woman's arms, in a white toweling bath robe, reach up from a hotel bed giving thumbs-up signs.

Only one in four women are masturbating regularly and it's affecting their ability to enjoy sex.

"There's really strong power dynamics in [porn] and it's centred around men's pleasure. It also reinforces compulsory heteronormativity and is really weight biased and anti-black as well," Ms Mourikis explains.

To make it an equal playing field, Dr Ramanathan says think about what you enjoy by exploring your "sexual self".

"A very simple question I ask my clients is, 'What does sex mean to you?' [Because] sex doesn't equal intercourse.'"

"When we talk about intimacy, we usually think of another person, but before you can connect with other people, are you connected with yourself?" he asks.

Some ways you could do this is by:

If you're in a relationship, chatting with your partner about their views and what they find enjoyable will also improve your sex life.

"Communicate what feels good, rather than falling to the default of assuming everybody likes a bit of foreplay and kissing and that's what works because it isn't and it's okay to communicate that," Ms Mourikis says.

"If [you feel supported], you'll be curious about sex, you'll feel like it's a space to ask questions and learn, you're less likely to have shame."

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