Graduation Requirements

Continuous Enrollment and Catalog Rights

Catalog Rights: Orange Coast College issues a new catalog each year and may issue addendums to reflect necessary changes. The information published in the catalog is in effect for the academic year identified in the catalog edition, beginning with the summer semester and concluding with the spring session. Catalog rights are based on enrollment in primary terms (fall and spring) only. Courses required for a specific degree or certificate, or general education, may change from one catalog to the next and, therefore may change during a student's period of enrollment. Catalog rights, established when a regularly admitted student first takes classes at the college in a primary term, protect the student from being held to additional requirements that may be added to a later catalog. For the purposes of meeting degree or certificate requirements, as long as they have maintained continuous enrollment, students may elect to meet the requirements of either:

  1. The catalog that was in effect for the primary term during which they began taking courses at Orange Coast College, or
  2. Any catalog that is or has been in effect during the time that they have maintained continuous enrollment before graduation, or
  3. The catalog that is in effect at the time they file a petition for a degree or certificate.

Catalog rights are not in effect when a program requires that a student complete specific courses within an established time frame or when career and technical education requirements change due to industry standards. Catalog rights do not apply to the certification of general education (GE) for transfer; courses used for GE certification must be on an approved GE Plan at the time they are taken.

Continuous Enrollment: Continuous enrollment is defined as being enrolled in at least one course during a calendar year and receiving an A, B, C, D, F, P, NP, I, IP or W at Orange Coast College. If there is a break in enrollment, the student will be held to the new requirements listed in the catalog at the time of re-enrollment. Absence from a summer session is not considered a break in enrollment. In extenuating circumstances, a student may submit a request for an exception to the Director of Enrollment Services for consideration to retain previous catalog rights.

If transferring to a California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC), continuous enrollment rules will be defined by the receiving institution.

The Academic Petition Council may authorize or require substitutions for discontinued courses.

Minimum Grade Requirement

In order to be awarded a degree or certificate, students are required to obtain a grade of “C” or better in all program-required courses.

Grades of “CR” or “P” will be accepted whereas “CR” or “P” meet the equivalency of a “C” or better.

Residency Requirement

Students must meet the college’s residency requirement to be awarded an associate degree (AA, AS, or AD-T). This includes completing a minimum of 12 units, of the 60 total degree-applicable semester units, in residence within the Coast Colleges (Orange Coast College, Golden West College and/or Coastline College). For an AA or AS, at least 3 units of major coursework from the program must be completed at OCC. A petition for Special Consideration for an exception to the residency requirement may be requested through the Graduation Office when an injustice or undue hardship would be placed on the student.

Requirements for Additional Associate Degrees

  1. Students are not permitted to acquire duplicate associate degrees in the same major from another college within the Coast Community College District.
  2. General Education requirements earned for one associate degree may be applied toward an additional associate degree.
  3. A student who holds a degree from any regionally accredited institution may earn an additional associate degree in a specific major.
  4. A candidate for an additional associate degree must complete the requirements for a separate major at Orange Coast College, including an additional 12 or more major-related units of credit at Orange Coast College beyond the requirements for the prior or additional degree.
  5. A student must complete all the required courses listed in the current catalog and general education.
  6. A student may obtain an associate degree for transfer (AA-T/AS-T) and an associate degree (AA/AS) in a different major without an additional 12 units of coursework.
  7. A student may obtain an associate degree for transfer (AA-T/AS-T) and an associate degree (AA/AS) in the same major without an additional 12 units of coursework.

Waiver of Associate Degree and/or Certificate Requirements

Students wishing to substitute or waive courses that satisfy the Associate Degree or Certificate of Achievement requirements must see a counselor and petition the Academic Petition Council. Counselors are located on the third floor of Watson Hall.

Petition for Graduation

Degrees and certificates are not automatically awarded. A petition must be filed at the Enrollment Center on the first floor of Watson Hall at the beginning of the semester in which the student completes the final requirements. Forms are also available online at

Petitioning periods are as follows:

Note: If a break in enrollment occurs (resulting in the loss of Catalog Rights) students must comply with the competency, general education, and major course requirements in effect at the time the student resumes attendance in order to meet Graduation requirements.

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